Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Are You Smarter than Mr. Nussbaum?

I recently launched the Nussbaum Neurons Site Currency System in tandem with the Are You Smarter than Mr. Nussbaum? educational program.

Please see the video below to learn about how Nussbaum Neurons constantly engages children, and how they can earn valuable prizes for participating. It is 100% free of charges and requires no personal information other than a parent e-mail address.

Students who are registered in the system also have the opportunity to earn additional Neurons by proving they are smarter than me. This week, students can earn 100 Neurons for defeating me in a game of Word Scramble. For students who can best my score of 20, simply take a screen shot of the results page and send it to mrnussbaumcom@gmail.com. Include the user name you used to register for Nussbaum's Neurons and I will add 100 Neurons to your account.  Every week,  I will post a new video of myself playing one of the 120 unique educational games on MrNussbaum.com for children to view and best my score. 

To Play Word Scramble, please visit http://mrnussbaum.com/scramble
To sign up for a Neurons Account, please visit http://mrnussbaum.com/neurons
To participate in Are You Smarter than Mr. Nussbaum? Please visit http://mrnussbaum.com/are-you-smarter-than-mr-nussbaum


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. You wrote a sentence in a paragraph above, which contains a grammatical error. Your sentence reads, "Students who are registered in the system also have the opportunity to earn additional Neurons by proving they are smarter than me." It should say, "...smarter than I (am).

    1. oh jeez, we have ourselves a picky people here! {see what I did there?)

  3. what up ballllllllllllllllllllllller

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